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Updated: Jul 7, 2021

Take a moment to notice if you’re breathing in through your nose or your mouth just now. Ideally, you’re breathing in through your nose. The hairs in the nose act like a filter, trapping dirt and dust before it gets to our lungs; another part of the nose humidifies the air and warms or cools it before it enters our lungs.

If you’re a mouth breather, you’re not making use of the nostril’s built-in filtration system.

Another line of defence against germs is the lymphatic system - part of the immune system and a waste disposal system.The lymphatic system requires movement for it to be able to function optimally. It’s a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials in addition to acting as a vehicle to transport lymph around the body. Lymph is a a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells.

Tips for taking advantage of the body’s natural defences are:

-Drink plenty of water – dehydration can contribute to poor lymphatic drainage – think of a stream, ideally its constantly flowing to prevent stagnation

-Eat multi-coloured fruit and veg

-Get a massage, Bowen treatment or try Vacuum Cupping to support the lymphatic system (see REFERRALS sub-menu on my website for some local therapists)

-Keep moving! Lymphatic flow requires deep breathing and body movement for it to work optimally, so now's a great time to start exercising daily

-Breathe through your nose

This advice is based on my training in Anatomy and Physiology from my background as a Massage and Bowen therapist. Please ignore if you have been given differing advice by your health care professional.

If you'd like to try gentle yoga, please see this page on my website:

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